112 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: adult field in movie search |
Ace Ventura |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
26 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Alternative titles on the API |
Dark City |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
153 |
new |
Via Tender: Anonymized movie ratings? |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
109 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: API key limits |
Moon |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
30 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API methods for Popular, Top Rated, Now Playing movies |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
107 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API Movie search include_adult flag doesn't seem to be working |
Ace Ventura |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
76 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 - Search Movies: move "year" to optional parameters? |
Jackal |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
71 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 - Spoken Languages doesn’t match the website |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
87 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 browse feature request |
Moon |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
99 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 company search method |
Jackal |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
43 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 configuration content type |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
73 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: API v3 formal specification |
Moon |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
75 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 Get Studios |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
137 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: API v3 movie search with plots |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
77 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3: Interal Server Error on some trailer queries |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
78 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3: Interal Server Error when query for titles containing umlauts (äöüß) |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
89 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API V3: Similar movies |
Ace Ventura |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
100 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: APIv3: MovieInfo method with multiple id |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
96 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: APIv3: Restore the "popularity" field on movie searches |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
39 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Auth.getSession error |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
156 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: Authentication redirect |
Moon |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
162 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: Auto purge cache items when the movie has been edited |
Captain America |
Travis Bell |
almost 7 years old |
95 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Bad results from top-rated query |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
27 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: batch download/get changes since |
Ocean's Twelve |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
117 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Bug in API v3: movie info upon a collection id will yield collection info |
Jackal |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
44 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Captain America errors w/ 500 |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
135 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Change some method names |
Jerry Maguire |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
93 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: Collection name sort_field |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 11 years old |
59 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: Create a /3/browse/movie method |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
131 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Create a collection images method |
Jerry Maguire |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |