Travis Bell
Via Tender: Account deletion
was created by Travis Bell
Wednesday Mar 14
ticket - Add focus field to the language dropd... was created by Travis Bell 08:35 AM ticket
Fix the similar movie ajax call to be...
was created by Travis Bell
Tuesday Mar 13
ticket - Prevent voting on a movie until it’s been released was updated by Travis Bell 03:23 PM ticket
Via Tender: An idea: person credits use translated titleswas updated by Travis Bell 03:00 PM ticket - Via Tender: RSS feeds for latest movi... was created by Travis Bell 09:11 AM ticket
- Via Tender: Create API methods to get... was created by Travis Bell 09:06 AM ticket
- Via Tender: Collection name sort_field was created by Travis Bell 08:58 AM ticket
Via Tender: An idea: person credits use translated titles
was updated by Travis Bell
Monday Mar 12
ticket -
Lazy load the similar movies panelwas updated by Travis Bell 03:06 PM ticket