Travis Bell
Update existing company calls to use the new ProductionCompany modelwas updated by Travis BellWednesday Mar 28
ticket -
Via Tender: V2.1 stopped returning new countries in Movie.GetInfowas updated by Travis Bell 10:24 AM ticket - Via Tender: V2.1 stopped returning new countries in Movie.GetInfo was updated by Travis Bell 10:17 AM ticket
Via Tender: APIv3: Restore the "popularity" field on movie searcheswas updated by Travis BellTuesday Mar 27
ticket - Via Tender: APIv3: Restore the "popularity" field on movie searches was updated by Travis Bell 03:37 PM ticket
- Update existing company calls to use ... was created by Travis Bell 02:45 PM ticket
Enhance current caching system to allow grouped itemswas updated by Travis Bell 02:44 PM ticket -
Create a ‘studios’ pagewas updated by Travis Bell 02:44 PM ticket - Via Tender: search not considering translated titles was updated by Travis Bell 02:38 PM ticket
- Dashes in search queries don’t work was updated by Travis Bell 12:19 PM ticket