39 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Auth.getSession error |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
40 |
✓resolved |
Properly 404 on all /3 methods |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
41 |
✓resolved |
Create method for /3/search/movies |
Dark City |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
42 |
✓resolved |
Fix /3/movie/images |
Dark City |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
43 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 configuration content type |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
44 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Captain America errors w/ 500 |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
45 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Update V3 docs to reflect the expect accept header |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
46 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Add an adult filter to /3/search/movie |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
almost 14 years old |
47 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Search paging count issues |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
49 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Some movies are serving 500’s |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
53 |
✓resolved |
Translate the collection title on /3/movie |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
54 |
✓resolved |
Serve requested language poster if available |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
55 |
✓resolved |
Create a /3/movie/latest method |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
56 |
✓resolved |
Verify memcache keys aren't being duplicated |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
57 |
✓resolved |
Cache-Control and memcache expires should use the same value |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
61 |
✓resolved |
Remove the double Memcache key check |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
62 |
✓resolved |
Create a /3/person method |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
63 |
✓resolved |
Create a /3/person/images method |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
64 |
✓resolved |
Create a /3/person/credits method |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
65 |
✓resolved |
Create a /3/search/person method |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
66 |
✓resolved |
Collection names are empty on /3/movie/:id |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
68 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: Missing title in v3 movie if language=en is specified |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
69 |
✓resolved |
Poster in v3 doesn't default to English properly |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
70 |
✓resolved |
When no language parameter is specified, default to English |
Jaws |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
71 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 - Spoken Languages doesn’t match the website |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |
72 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: v3 equivalent of Movie.getVersion |
Jerry Maguire |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
74 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: V2.1 stopped returning new countries in Movie.GetInfo |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
75 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 Get Studios |
Mad Max |
Travis Bell |
almost 13 years old |
76 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3 - Search Movies: move "year" to optional parameters? |
Jackal |
Travis Bell |
over 12 years old |
77 |
✓resolved |
Via Tender: API v3: Interal Server Error on some trailer queries |
Fight Club |
Travis Bell |
about 13 years old |