Travis Bell
Popular movies are no longer workingwas updated by Travis BellTuesday Sep 20
ticket -
Popular movies are no longer working
was updated by Travis Bell
Monday Sep 19
ticket -
Implement single sign on for Tenderwas updated by Travis Bell 02:46 PM ticket - Update the Postmark gem was created by Travis Bell 02:08 PM ticket
- Implement single sign on for Tender was created by Travis Bell 02:00 PM ticket
- Display a warning before deleting a movie and person was updated by Travis Bell 11:29 AM ticket
- Prevent movies from having duplicate IMDB ids was updated by Travis Bell 11:29 AM ticket
- Improve the login dialog was created by Travis Bell 11:28 AM ticket
- Create the ‘Now Playing’ page was updated by Travis Bell 11:26 AM ticket
- Remove cookies from static URLs was updated by Travis Bell 11:26 AM ticket