Travis Bell
Create the ‘Now Playing’ pagewas updated by Travis BellWednesday Sep 21
ticket -
Movie status should automatically fli... was created by Travis Bell 10:11 AM ticket
Create the genres pages was created by Travis Bell 10:10 AM ticket
Add the ability to remove movies from movie collections was updated by Travis Bell 09:20 AM ticket
Add the ability to remove movies from... was created by Travis Bell 09:19 AM ticket
No tickets found!was updated by Travis Bell 09:17 AM ticket -
Add movie names to URL slugs was updated by Travis Bell 09:17 AM ticket
Open up a 'movie parts' end point was created by Travis Bell 09:09 AM ticket
Add movie names to URLs was created by Travis Bell 09:06 AM ticket
Create the ‘Top 250’ page was updated by Travis Bell
Tuesday Sep 20