566 |
new |
Some routes error when they should 404 |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 7 years old |
560 |
new |
Create a way to query by episode ID |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 8 years old |
612 |
new |
Always return a status code? |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 6 years old |
567 |
new |
Make the account_id optional on v3 account methods |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 7 years old |
568 |
new |
Restore list searches |
Captain America |
Travis Bell |
over 7 years old |
559 |
new |
Ability to search with an actor filter applied |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 8 years old |
267 |
new |
Add content score to movie info? |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 11 years old |
569 |
new |
Deleting a list results in an error |
Captain America |
Travis Bell |
over 7 years old |
465 |
new |
Add the ability to specify an with_spoken_language in search (or discover?) |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 8 years old |
516 |
new |
Add tv/upcoming (premiering?) |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 9 years old |
395 |
new |
Create a 'include_video_language' param |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
603 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Add a title/text search to discover |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 6 years old |
531 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Add a method to get translated data back in one request (support fallbacks) |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
about 6 years old |
524 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Create a person discover method |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 5 years old |
574 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Guest session and account states? |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 5 years old |
609 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Add content ratings filter to TV discover |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 4 years old |
600 |
✓moved_to_trello |
ETag should be changing with 'append_to_response' |
Captain America |
Travis Bell |
about 5 years old |
375 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Create a way to post new translations on movies |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
about 6 years old |
512 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Support posting multiple ids to account list methods |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 6 years old |
533 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Add certification.gte param to discover |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 5 years old |
513 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Add production countries to TV series response |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 5 years old |
616 |
✓moved_to_trello |
without_keywords errors on TV |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 6 years old |
401 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Allow querying multiple ids at once |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 6 years old |
508 |
✓moved_to_trello |
Include runtime in search results |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
about 6 years old |
608 |
✓invalid |
We don't have an overview |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 6 years old |
137 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: API v3 movie search with plots |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
604 |
✓invalid |
Log out of sessions |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 6 years old |
253 |
✓invalid |
Add and fix the pagination on lists |
Jumanji |
Travis Bell |
over 11 years old |
14 |
✓invalid |
Person search by occupation type |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 11 years old |
93 |
✓invalid |
Via Tender: Collection name sort_field |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 11 years old |