#293 ✓invalid

3/search/movie sort by

Reported by Iblop | October 24th, 2013 @ 08:53 PM | in Icebox

Hi! I google for it already but for now I got nothing...
Im looking for a way to sort the results of a named search using "3/search/movie", like the /3/discover/movie mode, that has the parameter "sort_by" Because Im building a autocomplete app and the page 1 not always have the main items... And it take too long for searching every possible page to sort the results in the page.
Is there an other option for it?

Sorry, is this the right place to post it?
If not, i`m really sorry!!

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  • Travis Bell

    Travis Bell October 25th, 2013 @ 09:25 AM

    Usually people post on the forums and I'll create a ticket if is warranted. It's not a big deal.

    What are you trying to sort by? What is it that /3/search/movie is doing that you're not expecting?

  • Iblop

    Iblop October 25th, 2013 @ 10:01 AM

    First, thx for the response. :)
    I`m trying to sort by release date.
    for now, i got something like this:


    1. ask for data: ("3/search/movie") in page 1 -> variable
    2. ask for data: ("3/search/movie") in page 2 -> add to variable
    3. ask for data: ("3/search/movie") in page 3 -> add to variable
    4. ...
    5. build a array with all the results from those varialbes, order them by release date and I use this new array in the autocomplete

    But, for doing this I have to make alot of requests with a loop over all pages results. I think that it may wast time and even overload the api
    Assuming that an autocomplete will use only some of the most corresponding results
    (Sorry for my english)

  • Travis Bell

    Travis Bell October 25th, 2013 @ 10:15 AM

    I don't have any intention on providing a sort_by option for the search method.

    Search is only as good as your input and I've never seen our results not provide what you're looking for (with a half decent search term) in the first page.

    For the autocomplete you're building, are you using the search_type=ngram option? Everything is weighted by score and popularity.

  • Iblop

    Iblop October 26th, 2013 @ 09:31 AM

    Yes, it is. I will try to let it showing only first page.
    Thx for this awesome api and all the support!

  • Travis Bell

    Travis Bell March 18th, 2015 @ 09:40 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “invalid”

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