424 |
✓resolved |
Popular person call is not respecting page values |
Neighbors |
Travis Bell |
about 10 years old |
420 |
✓resolved |
Restore the ability to sort discover results by release_date.desc/asc |
Outlander |
Travis Bell |
about 10 years old |
415 |
✓resolved |
Fix the NoMethodError on /find |
Outlander |
Travis Bell |
about 10 years old |
405 |
✓resolved |
Creating new lists seems to fail when it should work |
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For |
Travis Bell |
about 10 years old |
265 |
✓resolved |
Account movies aren't always returned in the same order |
Judge Dredd |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
335 |
new |
Popularity is being returned as a string when using `append_to_response` |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
390 |
✓resolved |
Fix the /tv/change method from randomly returning a 404 |
Manhattan |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
384 |
✓resolved |
Pagination counts aren't consistent |
AVP: Alien vs. Predator |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
377 |
✓resolved |
Properly calculate the 'number_of_episodes' on a TV series |
AVP: Alien vs. Predator |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
376 |
✓resolved |
Properly calculate the 'number_of_seasons' on a TV series |
AVP: Alien vs. Predator |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
370 |
✓resolved |
Account and guest session order_by doesn't always work |
Magnolia |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
368 |
✓resolved |
Having both ?language and ?include_image_language doesn't seem to be returning the right results |
Magnolia |
Travis Bell |
over 10 years old |
332 |
✓resolved |
Fix the find method so it works with Freebase IDs |
Frozen |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
349 |
✓resolved |
TV crew credits don't have a credit_id |
Frozen |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
338 |
✓resolved |
TV image sizes seem to be floats while Movie images seem to be integers? |
J. Edgar |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
346 |
✓resolved |
Nginx isn't returning 304 statuses anymore |
J. Edgar |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
347 |
✓resolved |
Vote averages on TV are not rounding |
J. Edgar |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
273 |
new |
Standardize the "no language" code on images |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
340 |
new |
Look into some TV credit inconsistencies |
Icebox |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
324 |
✓resolved |
Make sure the TV season image call works with ?include_image_language |
Dirty Harry |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
274 |
✓resolved |
Ensure calls to invalid ids don't get cached |
Dirty Harry |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
321 |
✓resolved |
Fix the NoMethodError: undefined method on the latest calls |
Dirty Harry |
Travis Bell |
almost 11 years old |
319 |
✓resolved |
Fix the undefined method `poster' error |
Dirty Harry |
Travis Bell |
almost 12 years old |
317 |
✓resolved |
Fix MultiJson::LoadError |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |
272 |
✓resolved |
Filter out nil items from result lists |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |
307 |
✓resolved |
Person profile images aren't showing |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |
305 |
✓resolved |
Translation cache isn't populating after a version change |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |
299 |
✓resolved |
Add the type field to trailer the response |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |
277 |
✓resolved |
Look into why the Redis memory usage is climbing so fast |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |
276 |
✓resolved |
Person calls have stopped returning their IMDB ID |
Ocean's Thirteen |
Travis Bell |
about 11 years old |