Travis Bell
Create a way for the API to report in...
was created by Travis Bell
Friday May 29
ticket -
Add genre_ids to movie result objectswas created by Travis Bell 07:49 AM ticket -
Add overviews as part of the standard TV result objects
was updated by Travis Bell
Thursday May 28
ticket - Add overviews as part of the standard... was created by Travis Bell 01:35 PM ticket
Add overviews as part of the standard movie result objectswas updated by Travis Bell 01:34 PM ticket - Add overviews as part of the standard movie result objects was updated by Travis Bell 01:34 PM ticket
Add 'original_language' to movie list items?was updated by Travis Bell 01:32 PM ticket - Add 'original_language' to movie list items? was updated by Travis Bell 01:32 PM ticket
- Add 'original_language' to TV series ... was created by Travis Bell 01:32 PM ticket
- Add 'original_language' to movie list items? was updated by Travis Bell 01:31 PM ticket