Travis Bell
Maintain a list of favourite boards?
was created by Travis Bell
Friday Mar 03
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Allow mixed lists (movies, tv shows, people)was updated by Travis BellThursday Mar 02
ticket - Migrate company pages to v3 was updated by Travis Bell 02:09 PM ticket
- Add the ability to lock release dates was updated by Travis Bell 02:08 PM ticket
- Support searching for translated jobs was updated by Travis Bell 02:08 PM ticket
- Build v4 account pages was created by Travis Bell 02:07 PM ticket
Add a "next_episode_to_air" field to TV series
was updated by Travis Bell
Sunday Feb 26
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Create a person discover method
was updated by Travis Bell
Tuesday Feb 07
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Removing an item from a list isn't up...
was created by Travis Bell
Sunday Feb 05
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Create a person discover method
was updated by Travis Bell
Thursday Feb 02