Travis Bell
Properly calculate the 'number_of_episodes' on a TV serieswas updated by Travis BellWednesday Apr 02
ticket - Properly calculate the 'number_of_episodes' on a TV series was updated by Travis Bell 10:41 AM ticket
Properly calculate the 'number_of_seasons' on a TV serieswas updated by Travis Bell 10:41 AM ticket - Properly calculate the 'number_of_seasons' on a TV series was updated by Travis Bell 08:56 AM ticket
- Properly calculate the 'number_of_epi... was created by Travis Bell 08:31 AM ticket
- Properly calculate the 'number_of_sea... was created by Travis Bell 08:31 AM ticket
was updated by Travis Bell
Tuesday Apr 01
milestone - Magnolia was updated by Travis Bell 10:36 AM milestone
Bulk Edit command
5 tickets affected:#297 #298 #334 #335 #375
. 10:35 AM bulk edit - AVP: Alien vs. Predator was created by Travis Bell 10:35 AM milestone