Travis Bell
Support locale specific lists (like now playing & upcoming)
was updated by Travis Bell
Friday Jul 04
ticket -
Add the Fan TV link on movies and TV shows
was updated by Travis Bell
Wednesday Jul 02
ticket -
Create a "video" sectionwas updated by Travis Bell 02:22 PM ticket - Jumper was updated by Travis Bell 02:11 PM milestone
Bulk Edit command
3 tickets affected:#334 #375 #404
. 02:11 PM bulk edit - Judge Dredd was created by Travis Bell 02:11 PM milestone
- Jumper was updated by Travis Bell 02:10 PM milestone
Bulk Edit command
8 tickets affected:#698 #705 #707 #709 #711 #724 #728 #732
. 02:10 PM bulk edit - Judge Dredd was created by Travis Bell 02:10 PM milestone
- Add the Fan TV link on movies and TV ... was created by Travis Bell 01:01 PM ticket